
Saturday, August 6, 2016

21 Key Principles For Success In Modern Times

1) What You Focus On Is What You Get

 Focus On What You Want, Not On What You Don’t.

 2) Raise your Adversity Quotient!

  the better your ability to handle adversity and the suck factor, the more you will succeed. 

 3) The BIGGER the problem you solve – the bigger your reward

 Make sure the problem you solve is one that needs SOLVING and those who benefit, want it and will appreciate it (and pay for it).

 4) Join a Mastermind
 A Mastermind Group is for business owners who want to improve their business and who are willing to put the effort in
 5) Keep Close to Your Core Business
 One way to keep in touch is to periodically work in your service or support departments

 6) Practice Gratitude Daily

 Recommendation: Set aside the same time daily to do practice Gratitude to make it a habit.

 7) Good Enough is NOT Good Enough

 “Take action every day, surround yourself with winners, never peak, and always pay it forward.”

 8) Exercise Daily

Walk, Run, Swim, Play – Just Do IT!
“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” – Babe Ruth, Major League Baseball Hall of Famer.
“Do. Or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda, Jedi Master.
 9) Your Best Ideas Come Outside The Office!

 10) Give Back! Support A Cause

 Businesses with a CAUSE are more successful than those without a Cause!

 11) Success is a Trickster!

 Success is a trickster – It makes a fool out of all of us – if you let it.
 12) Unplug Once Per Week – Go Device / Digital Free!

 13) Do not engage in confrontations with anyone, in-person or online. 

 14) I am independent of the Good Opinion of others!
 “If you work to minimize criticism, you have surrendered the beauty and greatness of what you’ve set out to build.” – Seth Godin

15) Always be learning, seeking, finding..
16) Modest is Good!
 17) You don’t have to reinvent the Wheel!

 18) Ask High Quality Questions.

Albert Einstein is quoted as saying:
“If I had 60 minutes to solve a problem and my life depended on it, I’d spend 55 minutes determining the right question to ask. Once I got the right question, I could easily answer it in 5 minutes.”

19) Do I want to be right or do I want to be happy?
20) Flaky People Exist – Get Over it!

 21) Be prepared with solutions for the obstacles in your way.

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